Quote Originally Posted by Red Fel View Post
Because arrows and bugs are totally going to help out against a galactic conqueror.

Let's be honest, they're fun, but they're B-listers. Besides, Ant-Man is getting a sequel; he doesn't need the extra hassle of fighting purple giants.
Counterpoint, Falcon and Black Widow are in it. Falcon is a regular guy with a fancy jetpack, and Black Widow is a regular woman with pistols and fancy tasers. Antman is for sure more useful then they are. Hawkeye... not so much but he's just as much a core avenger as Black Widow is. Hell even Dr Strange's librarian is in the movie.

Speaking of B characters, Warmachine is on the poster (looking about as convincing as the MECs in X-Com Enemy Within, good job Marvel graphics department) so I assume he gets a bigger role then paraplegic best friend.