Quote Originally Posted by Sivarias View Post
Well I went in for my monthly InBody today.

I was frankly extremely relieved. I'd been stuck on 250lbs all month and was getting quite frustrated. It seems I've lost 9lbs of fat, gained 4lbs of muscles, and hydrated myself the other 4lbs.

So I'm down 29.1% BF. Yay me!

I'm stalling on Squat pretty hard now. I was wondering when that would happen considering I'm on a cut. It's not as high as I want it. I can keep trying to push through it, but the simple thing is that I'm not fueling my body for muscle growth right now and I was going to run out of easy gainz regardless.

Deadlift is still climbing pretty quick though, which I am extremely grateful for. I got to put 2 45lb plates on each side plus the bar yesterday. That felt so good!

Bench is slowing down, but hasn't stalled yet.

My left elbow seems irritated all the time now. Not like pain, but like there's an inflammation or something. I take ibuprofen if it gets too bad. I've also been reviewing my lifting form and tweaking as needed. Seems I was flaring my elbows a bit on bench and incline. So I've correct that, and I'll need to give it a couple months to see if the pain goes away. Need to stop sleeping on my arms as well, but I have to wait until the larger mattress comes in.

Keto has been going well too. I'm not as tired as I would have expected. I haven't been really cramping or anything either so no "keto flu" to speak of. The research I've done as to how people on keto build muscle boils down to they cheat on the weekend to replenish the glycogen stored in their muscles. Then cut back during the week and lift super heavy and super hard to make sure they burn all of it off. Seems simple enough, but I won't be there for at least 3 more months.

But I'm at the halfway point, and I think I might actually be ready to start bulking in July or August assuming everything keeps going well.

I hope you guys are doing well in your endeavors too!
Congrats man!

That seems a really odd way to do Keto, it takes several days for your body to enter ketosis. So you end up in ketosis like half the week.