Quote Originally Posted by Sniccups View Post
(Sorry about the wait.)

J, still kind of dazed about her discovery, looks around for a while and then suddenly says:

"We need to do a second test. It could have just been chance. Does anyone else have a place to go?"
Leslie and Changeling have been pretty quiet as they've been watching an assassin fight a demon at the other end of the tavern. It seems to be over now, though.

"Hm? Ah, right! It could be a fluke from Algernon's ability. We need someone more substantial to test it on."

Leslie glances around. John has most likely moved on to less distracted storytellers and Geneva may have already gotten up to take her kid to dragon soccer practice or something. She doesn't know anyone else here unless Sam decides to volunteer. So, barring that... she stands up and clears her throat.

"Attention, everyone! If-"


...just in time to watch another assassin fight, closer to us this time. Two shadow-mages of some description are fencing over by the bar. They knock over a series of trays and glasses as other patrons scurry out of their path. Some make for the door we were using and fling it open to leave, not really caring about their destination.

"Ah..." Leslie slowly sits back down. Her eyes are wide with panic, but she has no obvious way to act on it. "...is that... I mean, that isn't normal, is it? Should we do something?"

Changeling stares at the fight with a serious expression, considering her options on a more tactical level.