Cyclopean Ruins

Steam starts to form underneath the Scorpion, but it is simply too wet right now to start a bonfire. The Scorpion rapidly moves across the wall, sending 5 more water bullets towards Tethrik and Armonia as he moves. "....desert, and instead of being given power over sand or wind or burning heat I'm given freezing cold water, I mean REALLY? I would've made a great Wind guardian running around as I am now creating tornadoes or blinding my opponents with sand OH and the size! I could totally been BIG and STRONG and TANKY. Speaking of tanks, how was Rammy? If you cleared the Fire trial then you must have...."

Armonia ducks and tumbles, seeing now that the little scorpion is adept at distance fighting. He tries to focus on the arachnid with his burning eyes but he is moving too fast. When he realizes that won't work, he trains his focus on the puddle the Scorpion is about to approach.