Lily watches it all unfold as if in slow motion. A train wreck set for destruction with nothin in its path to stop it. With a courage that came from nowhere other than the warmth of that single shared laughter of the fractured court of winter and the deep desire for order and accountability, Lily makes her way over to Aelas, flinching at the flying embers and bits of debris, stopping just in front of her as the King came barrelling towards them.

"S-so, as was agreed, each court investigates. Th-that just remains agreeing the date on wh-which the findings are to be concluded and reported, that is, our next meeting. Care t-to name it, Your Grace?" Lily took out a pen and a piece of paper, ready to note down a date, her hands shaking visibly, as was indeed most of her. She was utterly unable to look up, and fixed her eyes on the little scribble the point of the trembling pen was making, set to the paper.