Quote Originally Posted by Millstone85 View Post
Even if they aren't, there is definitely too much mayhem in Mordenkainen's Mayhem. The matron mother manages to banish the nightwalker, only temporarily as the fight is taking place on the Shadowfell, and an angel randomly takes its place while it is away. Just why? It is not to keep the fight going, as the allip is still here. It is not to showcase a new type of angel, as it is a planetar.
Yeah, it's all incredibly pointless. The pattern seems to be "one side clearly dominate the fight, then get their face caved in by the DM intervention, and then lose".

Quote Originally Posted by Millstone85 View Post
Will you be making more threads to analyse the fights, or does it feel pointless now?

Feel kinda pointless, yeah. I appreciate the preview in the monstes' stat we can get, but the battle itself doesn't matter much. Maybe they'll do better next time, but...

Quote Originally Posted by Millstone85 View Post
I am not a native English speaker, but the first thing I thought of when I read "matron" was the French word "maton", which is slang for jailer. Wiktionary tells me that it matches one of the meanings of matron.

So, it doesn't evoke such a kind figure to me.
As a French native speaker, "matron" always evoke more the kind of tyrannical caretaker you'd see in a story to demonstrate how much the orphanage sucks or as the "evil governess too strict with the kids"

Quote Originally Posted by Millstone85 View Post
The art is pretty pink, though.
After decades, a RPG company finally realized you could make a drow woman look powerful and sexy without revealing clothes in black and purple.

That being said, it's true the Matron Mother is the pinkest of all the land. She makes it work extremely well, though.