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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Erfworld Thread X: A Series of Unfortunate Cliffhangers

    Quote Originally Posted by guttering flame View Post
    What I'm saying is it's not a fluke but a likely outcome of Parson's tendency to tinker. The Temples aren't the product of an obscure branch of magic. They're a very basic and probably suppressed feature of Erfworld. The Thinkalites decided they're dangerous and must be suppressed very early on (among first 3 rulings they made from what I recall). It didn't take them long at all to find it.
    Well, here we disagree. It's a happy accident, but its not intentional in the same volcano or food fight were.

    Quote Originally Posted by guttering flame View Post
    Was Jed so different from what Parson wanted? It can't move and as far as we know can't attack enemies outside its body, though that haven't been tested so far. But it is an intelligent building. It can definitely protect the capitol: as long as the Temple=Garrison stands the City isn't conquered. Transylvito's Temple demonstrated some of their fighting abilities for us.
    Kinda. His idea was for an offensive non-senient weapon. Jed, is pretty good, BUT - he can be manipulated in ways golems generally can't. You can't reason with Rock Golem to release you. But we can see Marie using (Semi-)Troll Logic to persuade the Tower to release her. Sure, in Marie's case she is probably working for Jillian. However, what prevents Charlie from persuading Jed, he will be a better master? With more funds and better defenses.

    Quote Originally Posted by guttering flame View Post
    Point is, the comic outright stated early on that Link Magics are what's important. Even before that, at the very beginning when Parson and his buddies are playing RPG, we learn Parson isn't about winning through strategy. He's about cheats. The more outrageous the better. He may be a good strategist but what define him is his inclination to 'break the game'. The casters' magic and their tri-links are the method in Erfworld.
    You are correct. But as tomaO2 noted, just because you can do your SUPER move doesn't mean you should remove all narrative penalties to doing so. Imagine Fiends from OOTS offer everyone free soul splicing - and suddenly a Belkar SoulSpliced with Druid and Wizard is fighting UnDurkon, spliced with Blood Cultist of Gnaar and Soul Devourer of Ix, who is fighting Roy spliced with over a thousand souls of greatest warriors to have ever lived. During that fight Roy kills Belkar and Durkon precisely 3051 times, while dying only 920 times. OOTS could have gone there.

    Not to mention introduce an EXTRA SUPER MOVE and make it super easy to do. And then - add several more disciplines that further break the game. Basically, the whole comic, slowly descends into a stake-less game of Calvin Ball, where my way to win is to imagine a solution you haven't yet seen or can reasonably expect.

    E.g. Oh you summoned a Voltron. I'll summon a Mecha Scarab that uses Ancient Egyptian Laser Beams to disintegrate your Voltron. Oh, you used Flood to destroy Mecha Scarab, then I'll make it so your allies turn on you because STRINGS. Oh you countered my mind control, because you prepared for it? I was waiting for you to do that to use String Resonance to destroy all your forces?

    Quote Originally Posted by Welf View Post
    Trademark that as soon as possible. It will be quoted. Also has my vote for next thread title.
    Eh. No. Just quote it as - Narrative Law of Magidynamics. I am honestly surprised it doesn't exist yet.
    Last edited by -D-; 2018-04-05 at 07:25 AM.