Quote Originally Posted by Esprit15 View Post
Looking at her friend, Taika simply offers her hand to Jen. ”Ready?”
Allure (+1), Witch (+2)
Unfortunately Jen doesn't really seem to hear you, that's because.

Quote Originally Posted by The TechnoGnome View Post
Mallory had been talking non-stop for most of the ride to the courthouse, and even walking up the steps to meet with the rest of the group she was not pausing. As the narrator stated, this was a rather exciting moment for her, which spilled over into her tone and body language.

"...and that was why in 1942, it as decided that this courthouse would be the main one for the entire county," Mallory was saying to Agatha as her family (and Catherine) got within earshot of Jen, "Considering it's location in relation to all the others, it only made sense."

Spoiler: Roll
Strong Skill (+1), Fiendish Cunning (+2), Faustian Pact (+2), +5 total
Catherine is following up happily. "Although Southington keeps protesting that having only the Centralington courthouse, isn't them being judged by a jury of their peers. Higher courts keep shooting down their complaints because it's transparent they just want to at best, assault gays, far more often try to kill." Catherine remarks.

Oh god, what is she doing here? Jen remarked.

Quote Originally Posted by Zevox View Post
Tanya and her mom arrived to the courthouse just a little behind Mal's family, and she spotted her girlfriend already meeting up with the others. "Yo guys!" she called as she approached, waving. "We all about ready to head in?"

Spoiler: OOC/Roll
Weak Luck -1, -2 Deep Freeze, -2 Faustian Pact = -5 total.

Really want to take advantage of my Down and Dirty charge and nab those 3 points, but between Deep Freeze and the Pact Allure is actually a little rough, and Skill is out of character. Bah...
That's when Tanya trips on a piece of cobblestone, falling flat on her face.

Tami laughs, but if you don't snark or move instantly, starts panicking. "Oh god, oh god, Tanya please be okay!"

Quote Originally Posted by AvatarVecna View Post
Kristi sees P'ro'shi struggling and rushes over to lend some unfortunately meager assistance. "I can't lift much, but surely I can help lighten your load a bit..." she insists, making a grab for some of the bags and cases.

Spoiler: OoC
Conflict. Weak roll -1, total -1. Faustian Pact on P'ro'shi.
But Kristi is a aid. With her muscles from yoga, and her DARK magic.....

Quote Originally Posted by Necroticplague View Post
"Jeese, what's the in these suitcases, Luna? I mean, I get some paperwork or a laptop, but this seems more than that..." The squid staggers as it helps carry what appear to be several cases of....she wasn't quiet sure yet. While additional limbs may help carry more, they do seem to exaggerate her already low center of gravity, leading to her more appropriately sluggish pace.
Spoiler: OOC
Neutral Conflict
P'ro'shi takes these suitcases and carries them somewhere else!

Just some essentials. Spare clothes so in case if Mara's lawyer tries anything they can change, but only Jen would be willing to tell me her size, so I have a few guesses for everyone else. Luna starts.

Does that answer your questions.