Quote Originally Posted by Illven View Post
That's when Tanya trips on a piece of cobblestone, falling flat on her face.

Tami laughs, but if you don't snark or move instantly, starts panicking. "Oh god, oh god, Tanya please be okay!"
Quote Originally Posted by The TechnoGnome View Post
"She has a case today as well," Mallory stated, ignoring Catherine's comment.

However, her demeanor instantly changes once Tanya trips. She rushes over to the girl's side and grabs her arm to hep her up, "Tanya! Are you okay? What's hurting?"
Tanya didn't move or speak instantly - aside from the shout of surprise and pain when she initially hit the ground, and softer groans of pain after. She gratefully let Mal help her up when her girlfriend rushed over to her. "Ach.... well, little of everything, but arms'n nose are probably the worst of it," she replied to Mal's question. "Don't know what the f*** happened there, so I only half caught myself on the way down..."

She moved one hand to gingerly touch her nose, testing how it felt. The answer to which was very painful, but intact. "Well, don't think it's broken, so I guess I caught myself enough. Still, that's gonna leave some bruises for sure," she said.

Her mom had moved over to her side as quickly as Mal, and was looking her over and asking similar questions to make sure her daughter was okay and didn't need to be taken anywhere. At the end of it, the worst of it seemed to be skinned knees and a skinned elbow, and plenty of sore spots. "You're lucky, dear - a fall like that on hard concrete could have been much worse," she said, getting some pain medicine out of her purse and handing it to Tanya. "Some acetaminophen will help with the pain for now. We should get to a restroom and rinse those skinned knees and the elbow to make sure they don't get infected though. And I'll get you an ice pack if you feel any swelling from your nose."

Tanya looked away from both her mom and Mal, a bit embarrassed to be doted on like this in front of her girlfriend, but took the medicine and nodded. "Yeah, guess we should do that..." she acknowledged.

Spoiler: OOC
Would have this be worse considering how bad that luck roll was, but don't want this to turn into Tanya spending parting of the episode off at a doctor's office or hospital while everyone else does the normal stuff, which it definitely would if she were hurt worse than this and her mom was around.