Quote Originally Posted by 2D8HP View Post
Um.. yeah, the last time I took one of those, except for "human" (sometimes) the result was so very much different than my inclinations and self image, as well as what I usually play, that I was stunned.
Same one I took. LG is probably accurate for me - especially once you add in more law questions that don't focus on family. That's often been my complaint about law based questions; really "family vs moral code" is a classic dilemma for the lawful types.

(Wisdom is also annoying for me; I have a good people sense, decent willpower, and a fair sense of what's a good idea, but my physical observational skills are almost nonexistent.)

Quote Originally Posted by Bartmanhomer View Post
There are some people who multiclass Wizard and cleric. Both are very powerful classes.
They are, but their power generally relies on being able to scale damage and DCs. Multiclassing wizard and cleric results in a large number of weaker spells, and it ends up with a lot of problems with higher level monsters because save DCs rely on spell and caster level. Plus you don't get higher level effects that would be more useful against monsters that can counter a lot of no-save stuff.