Quote Originally Posted by The_Weirdo View Post
No, Word of Giant said that she was CE back then.

Now, she may or not still be CE, but having (and then abandoning due to impracticality) the idea of burning the clan hall down with her entire clan (minus her and Kudzu) inside after what they did to her isn't an Evil act.
I agree that she's still CE, but she's practical CE. There's no indication she has any moral qualms about inflicting a familicide (compare V, who WoG states is True Neutral, and regretted the act after it was done), but only decided against it because burning down the clan hall would be detrimental to Kudzu's health (showing concern for another person is innately good in of itself, but still doesn't really outweigh the moral ramifications of a familicide). She did still decide to inflict her clan with destitution, though, which is arguably worse in an honor-based society like the Dwarves, since they're probably going to eventually die and live in shame and squalor in the meantime.