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    Titan in the Playground
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default Re: Cap VS Tony, Red VS Blue, Russo bros VS Whedon

    Thing is, the always right martyr. That's who Rogers is. He is the over-idealized America, fighting the good fight. Standing by your morals. All that jazz. Hell, he was the first Avenger not named Thor (or a Thor replacement character) to pick up the hammer. Back when that ability actually meant something, in comics.

    It's also worth noting on the civil war debate. That movie does show Rogers as kind of flawed while still being an overly moral martyr figure. He hides some truths from Tony. He straight up says that he will always lend a hand when people are in trouble even if laws tell him otherwise. Hell, the Russo's toned down the Superhero Registration Act dramatically to make it so that there is an actual argument here without the forced impressment of anyone born with a power. And didn't make Tony a ridiculous supervillain that murders his friends.

    Meanwhile, yeah, Rogers could totally be a demogogue if he tried. He is Captain freaking America. It's been stated multiple times in the comics that if he ran for president he'd win through shere popularity alone. He wouldn't even have to have policies. Which is precisely why he doesn't do that. He's become kind of an examination of the paragon figure in literature. Where his shere personality is a force you have to deal with and recognize in every situation he's in. Does Ant Man really care about the Accords? Or is he just there to stand by Captain Freaking America? Does Natasha side with Cap because she changed her mind, or because he's Captain Freaking America?

    However, in fairness Tony has that as well, to a lesser extent. Only it's Peter who really has no idea what's going on and is just following Tony because Tony manipulates him a little bit.

    As to Rossos vs Whedon. I honestly never thought that Whedon really liked or even understood Cap. Which is part of why Rogers doesn't really do anything besides be a straight man for Tony in Avengers 1, and pointlessly trying to get into a fistfight with Iron Man while acting like a high school jock with an inferiority complex. And his character shtick is based around not liking cussing in Avengers 2. Despite the fact that Rogers does swear. Not particularly found of blasphemy in the comics.

    However, one thing I will say in Whedon's favor, is he is very good at using ensemble casts and getting out quick characterization. The Russos' attempt to do this in Civil War is not as strong as Whedon's ability. And since we have, if anything, far more characters than should ever really be smooshed in a single movie, I do worry that most of the heroes will get lost in the shuffle.

    Also, how the hell did you get "super powered people are always right" as the moral of Winter Soldier?
    Last edited by Dienekes; 2018-04-06 at 09:02 AM.