Quote Originally Posted by Tvtyrant View Post
So I have now lost 100 pounds. I'm still bad at taking selfies, one of those make me look like a murderer.

Spoiler: More me pictures.

Spoiler: Starting me last June

My back is still mad at me, darn snow hikes. I have gotten better at the regular stretches, I can relieve the pain in my left leg now but I miss doing back and ab work. Even rows make me hurt for days.
Wow, really impressive! Keep up the good work!

I have unfortunately been slacking off the last weeks. Did not find the time for longer runs, did not keep up with the daily push-ups. (Managed however a PR of 40 reps.)
On the plus side, I went bouldering once more with my sister and found out that the bar above the door to the changing rooms at work is sturdy enough to do pull-ups on it. So I do that sometimes, PRs are 7 for chin-ups und 3 for pull-ups.