“It would seem expensive to bug every room,” Timiti grumbles.

Anaki smirks “What is the saying? Paranoia is a heck of a drug?” She nods to Rose. “Then let us speak freely. We have wronged you, assumptions or no. And though it turned out happily, what would you have us do?”


Love hacks that camera so hard she doesn’t even need to touch it. She traces the signal to a workstation set up in the other changeling’s room and, at her leisure, can cut off her live feed. Furthermore, the camera is running an old version of Picture Perfect Camera Company’s software. It’s at least a decade old, but quite serviceable for the Wasteland. It’s something Wire would want, but not something he seems to have access to.
Needles clears his throat. “There is a perfectly good explanation for this.”

“And remember,” Pins says, “You chose to come here. We didn’t even suggest this place.”