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I've given a few more shows a try. The best are Amanchu 2 Hina Festival and Love is hard for otaku. I like the manga of these quite well, so I'm not surprised at this. The first is just more of the same of the first season, pleasant everyday life. The second is a great example of how to use suffering and often rather tragic circumstances to make excellent comedy. The last is just plain funny. As one what can only be described as an otaku couple, I recognize so much of what goes on here.

Comics Girls high school girls drawing comics. 'Unremarkable' is a word that comes to mind.
Persona 5 I gather this is based on a game. Perhaps it is more comprehensible and interesting if you've played it before watching it. As it is, I'm giving it a miss.
Cutie Honey Universe Magical girls something or other. Should I watch the original first, maybe?