Quote Originally Posted by Unoriginal View Post
That's a pretty out here claim. Of course they can exist in the same plane, there is nothing preventing variations when they're on different planets that obey slightly different physico-magical laws.

Plus you're ignoring the existence of the "default setting", which is different from Faerun.

You may say that it sounds like a disingenuous justification to you, but you have no evidence that it is a fact, so it's just insulting the designers for a creative decision you don't like.

Also, Regitnui, what are you even talking about? D&D 5e Elves and Dwarves don't particularly hate each other, especially not "because Tolkien".

Outside from the specific history of the campaign and personal opinions, they just have theological and cultural differences that they can find annoying in the other.

If you want to criticise something and be taken seriously, knowing about it would help, just saying.

Anyway, this derailling has gone on long enough. The Mordenkainen's arrives today in some stores, right? We'll soon have all the answers.
We have a month yet. Let's use this month for any number of passtimes, but let not these discussions include the 'how WOTC handles setting neutrality', a back and forth as endless as an Astral Dreadnaught's tail.