Typically, no, I don't allow resurrection at all. If death isn't a big deal to the party, they won't care if they die and will never resort to anything other than combat to solve most issues. If death is final, and they are from time to time put into actual danger (facing a level 6 at first level for example), they might want to try alternatives to Spam Attack As Much As Possible, like negotiating, bribing, setting traps, ambush, or just flat out running.

Even undeath doesn't bring back the soul once it leaves the Material. The undead in my campaigns are usually inhabited by demons or other evil spirits which will follow every command they are required to (limits depending on the spell and the spirit), but twist them to prolong their task as much as possible without actual disobedience so they can remain "alive" as long as possible.

Reincarnate isn't something I use either. When the soul leaves the body, it's gone for good.