[ ]Afraid [ ]Languid [ ]Guilty [ ]Hopeless [X]Insecure
Potential [X] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ]

She blinks and squints, trying to make the shattered remains of a Concept align into a solid, dependable information dump. And she's got nothing. "We seem to have skipped over a few things. 'Hi, I'm Source.' I'd say nice to meet you but you just murdered your own people so..." she makes a face under the mask. She pauses, frowns, but keeps going, riding high on the remains of whatever it was that made her... lazy, making her resolutely cheerful right now. "You wouldn't happen to be linked to Outside, right? Because that would suck. Like, exceptionally so, given you broke at least two things that I didn't know could be broken, and that implies things about being able to reach Outside, and I'm pretty sure Outside is bad for us on the Inside." She prattles onward, trying to take a look at the shattered symbol, giving up on resolving it into one thing, and instead looking at the pieces, seeing what she can learn, if anything.

(2d6-1)[6] Freak to extend senses, trying to pick up something about (presumably) Dragonslayer.