Quote Originally Posted by Guizonde View Post
uh, did your team steal my paladin or do all paladins think "violence first, questions later"? i swear, my pf team's pally (grim the half-ork) has said a lot of those phrases, with odd variants.

grim: uh, is it kosher to smite people with potatoes?
korinn: when they kidnap me, apparently, yes. yes it is.

korinn: i smell something fishy.
grim: i'm blaming josé out of reflex.
josé: i don't smell that badly!

grim: i'm gonna smite evil with my boot. a lot.
josé: bring steel-toed shoes!!
grim: you're on the list as soon as i can catch you!
josé: *flees by giving gravity the middle finger, once again*
My paladins think that way too. As do all paladin-esque characters.