Quote Originally Posted by Cheesegear View Post
That's the problem.
In the comics, Thanos had to murder a whole bunch of people, 'cause then he could get into Death's pants. There was a purpose to it.
In the movies, Thanos seems to be murdering a whole bunch of people, because he can, and his goal, is simply delusional, given his reasoning, and unlimited power. Given unlimited power, you choose to destroy half the universe? ...What are you, 14? Did you put any amount of thought into how unlimited power could be used for literally anything else, literally?

Which is the same problem that Ultron had. When your motivation doesn't make sense, you lose credibility, as a villain.
...Unless you're in a movie designed to sell toys to children, in which case nothing matters, and you can do whatever you want, no matter how stupid it is, because 'it's a movie designed to sell toys to children', so anything, is good enough.
Wait... you thought "I'm doing this because I really want to bang a concept" was better writing?

I for one am glad they jettisoned all the ridiculously cheesy "getting into Death's pants" parts of his character. About the only thing they slipped up on was explaining why
using the gauntlet to provide a galactic cornucopia
wouldn't have worked, but that's a blank I can easily fill in myself anyway.

Quote Originally Posted by thorgrim29 View Post
Also, thinking of Tony and Peter's suits here I think we have answered the question of who is better at making supersuits between Tony and Shuri, and it's Tony. That Mark whatever he's using here is hax. Though it seems he hasn't been upgrading Warmachine as much.
I don't think that's been settled at all:
Sure Tony's been innovating more, but that's because he's been fretting over intergalactic threats like Thanos since A1. Shuri's biggest concerns meanwhile have been a few rival tribes and helping her brother chase down a smuggler. Necessity is the mother of invention, and Tony's had more necessity. The fact that she near-instantly thought of a better way to make Vision than Tony AND Bruce came up with suggests she'll come up with marvels (heh) of her own too.

Quote Originally Posted by Cheesegear View Post
1. Disney wants to make Marvel movies (and sell toys) until we're all dead.
2. The McGuffin that they're fighting over, literally has the power to undo reality.

I find it really hard to care about what happened in Part 1, since I know pretty much everything will be undone in Part 2.
1) Journey, not destination. The entertaining part isn't what we know will happen, it's seeing how the MCU gets there (especially for those who know the specific way things went down in the comics.)

2) Given that they can (and probably will - eventually) just reboot the whole thing at some point anyway, setting it all really actually on fire is not an impossibility.

3) Unlike the comics, they don't have to worry too much about status quo here. Some of the sacrifices/deaths could indeed be permanent, gauntlet or no gauntlet. Remember, there's a lot of the verse they haven't tapped, and even among the bankable main line a lot of these characters have multiple incarnations. Killing off, say, Steve Rogers doesn't mean no more Captain America movies or toys to sell after all.