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Thread: [IC] Crypt of the Everflame

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    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Default Re: [IC] Crypt of the Everflame

    "Afraid not, and besides, if there's something this big going around killing folks, I'd think that we had best refill our waterskins and be off, in case whatever it is happens to live here and decides to take a bite out of us next," Ulmarr suggested grimly, as he examined the bite marks.

    "Also, anyone feel like using this?" he asked, holding up the rather nice short sword which was more or less unusable to him.

    Spoiler: Knowledge Nature

    Dunno, can we use Know. Nature to identify what made the bite marks? In case we can:


    Last edited by Kallor; 2018-04-30 at 08:25 PM.