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Thread: The First Eight [IC]

  1. - Top - End - #13
    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Planeptune, Gamindustri

    Default Re: The First Eight [IC]

    Kamui is hugging Maiko throughout the ride, glancing about with a curious look on her face. She nods. "Thank you... this is good enough. We'll take it from here..."

    She steps out and pats Maiko on the head, saying, "... search for danger, okay...?" The loyal pet runs off, exciteable as always. She looks towards the group to say, "I'll go and scout... just a moment..." as she disappears into a blur, leaping up towards higher ground to get a better vantage view.

    Spoiler: Rolls

    I'll use...
    Dash - (1d10)[7]
    Scouting - (1d8)[8]
    The Curious Dog - (1d8)[5]

    Result 15, Effect Die d8 Effect +1!
    Last edited by Merilan; 2018-05-01 at 12:00 AM.