Arina kept to the back, eyeing the gathering. She gave Jim a bit of a scowl, which she suppressed as quickly as it appeared. Criminals. Leave you in the woods unconscious and call it a kindness. She had to admit the man gave her mixed feelings--he did seem to take pride in what he did, and she could respect that, but she had little use for his sort. Given her own way, they wouldn't deal with such people when they could help it. But life rarely gave such luxuries anymore, especially in this line of work. The other two didn't strike her much better. The sheriff seemed all to comfortable working with the other side of the law, and the inquisitor... Having someone heal Stella who seemed to hold such animosity toward her didn't seem like the smartest idea. But again, she didn't really see what other options they had. This was far out of reach of normal healing, and the woman seemed to know what she was talking about. She shook her head as the woman described the means by which this had been done--using spirits to maim and kill? At one point--hell, just yesterday--Arina would have put herself in that category. She was rapidly becoming aware that these forces were far greater than the piddling influence she had over the spirit world. The thought worried her. Stella had gotten into this predicament by pushing too far, making a misstep with these beings. Could the same happen to her?

She forced those thoughts away and straightened as Afrri Rello walked into the room. They wouldn't do any good, and there was nothing to be done about it now. Perhaps learning more about the staff would help, perhaps she could go back to find the old shaman again. Either way, that was a problem that would be sorted in its own time. She spared a slight nod to the woman. Such an unassuming one, to be the source of so much corruption in this town. Still, if she could get the inquisitor to fix whatever was wrong with Stella... "Good morning," she said, fixing a smile on her face which did not match her mood in the slightest. "I'm sure you're just as eager as we are to have this matter resolved."