Madao stays somewhat behind, constructing a mobile net-chopping device. How it works... Well, no one quite knows, but it should be effective against any Mavericks that come your way.

Spoiler: OOC-Asset
Asset: Device (d6), for your next fight

Kamui scouts for the tower, and quickly finds an entrance. She spies a few mavericks going in and out, and notices no one seems to take mind of the comings and goings-it should be easy to lay a trap for some at the front.

Ilesh, meanwhile, goes to investigate some heavy machinery. And he does it find it-only to discover how to turn it on while his leg is atop a gear. It crunches active, and his speed is enough to get out of the way... Mostly. He limps along with Madao to join Kamui near the tower.

Spoiler: OOC-Complication
Complication: Futzed-Up Leg (d6), for the next scene

But, you all enter the tower, Kamui in the lead. She points up-there are mavericks ahead-and readies the charge.

The mavericks present, at this low floor, are four shambling junk heaps-mindless automatons of junk-and a large, angry-looking overseer with an axe.

Spoiler: OOC-Combat!
This scene has the following assets available for all to use:

Ladders (d4)
Platforms (d8)

And the following enemies:

Shambling Junk Heaps-4
Distinctions: Mindless, Brittle
Scrapheap: Rusty Weapons d6, Stamina d8
SFX: Immunities: Spend a doom die to ignore any one complication for a turn, excepting sonic and lightning based ones.
Limit: Vulnerabilities: Step up stress from sonic or lightning to add a die to the doom pool or step up the lowest die.
Specialties: Melee Combat d8

Raging Maverick-1
Distinctions: Violent, Crude, Me No Like Talk
Smashy Upbringing: Crude Axe d8, Strength d6
SFX: Berserk: Add a doom die to an attack action. Afterwards, step the die down and add it back to the doom pool.
Limit: YOU BROKE MY AXE!: Shutdown CRUDE AXE to step up the lowest die in the doom pool or add a d6.
Specialties: Melee Combat d8, Intimidation d8