Quote Originally Posted by Malak'ai View Post
I know this has been asked before, but I can't remember which iteration of this thread it was in, so going to ask again.

Spoiler: Enemy Weapons. Marlowe stay out.
For Tau pulse rifles and pulse carbines, the only stats I could find are in DW: Mark of the Xenos. In that profile it says they are 2D10+2 pen 2. To bring them down to DH level, would 1D10+4 pen 2 be alright?
Spoiler: weapons
There are also stats in RT: Into the Storm for tau weapons, and they're actually stronger there (2d10+3 and AP4). These are supposed to be Bolter-equivalent weapons, so I don't think it's unreasonable to keep the original profile. You just have to make sure not to use too many, and to give the acolytes a lot of cover. If you want something that still evokes Tau while having a less threatening statline, especially if you're giving it to human mercenaries, you could always use Kroot Rifles.