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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Bat Country

    Default Re: [Masks IC] Sustainable Heroics: Sisyphean Motives

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    Anwar still doesn't know exactly what had gone down the other day, and the stories told by the rest of the team, from wildly different perspectives, don't help much. An assortment of super bad guys, a grumpy alien robot, a haunted suit of power armor, a posse of hired guns... it sounded like something out of one of those old slapstick chase movies like Gumball Rally or It's a Mad, Mad, Mad World. Except for all the dead people, that is... Anwar had been busy putting the fear of God, the fear of Karl Marx, or whatever into a bunch of Russian mobsters who thought they could shake down Council-licensed businesses. It wasn't much more involved than working in the Halloween spook house when he was in high school... the remarkably high pitched screams coming from the bratva goons as they were surrounded and lifted off their feet by a cloud of smoke filled with glowing eyes would have done those middle school kids proud. He doubted that they would be back any time soon...

    And now for today's business. Lacking anything resembling a human metabolism, he couldn't spread the bugs the conventional way. But they'd found out that he could carry a load of viruses with him while dispersed. So he's spent most of the day hanging out on pedestrian overpasses and near subway entrances, spread out as much as he can muster, into a thin haze that smelled faintly of smoke... something that could be mistaken for a whiff of smog or diesel fumes. The lack of wind today made it bearable, but being stretched out like that for so long eventually left him with a feeling like the aftermath of too much exercise. An odd stiffness... not that he has real muscles and bones anymore. Maybe it was like feeling a phantom limb after an amputation. He finally allows himself a break, returns to the quiet alley where his mundane clothes were stashed and resumes his human form. He walks around, trying to find the others on their rounds until he discovers the the rest of the team already gathered.

    "So how goes the, uh, mission? Making lots of friends?" He lets his voice trail off. Best the crowds don't know about the... gifts... that are being distributed. Even if it's for a good cause.
    Last edited by Swami Monsoon; 2018-05-01 at 11:38 PM.
    "Do Driderettes buy their legwarmers in bulk?"