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Thread: Avengers: Infinity War

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    Spamalot in the Playground
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    Default Re: Avengers: Infinity War

    Quote Originally Posted by -D- View Post
    Not supported by the text. Nebula says she never went all out against her, because she wanted a sister. So I guess he never realized that.
    He broke her down and rebuilt her every time she lost. It was very painful. Furthermore, most of his other "daughters" did not survive this treatment. Did you watch GotG2?

    Quote Originally Posted by -D- View Post
    Megalomania, is an old name for Narcissistic personality disorder. So Thanos is extremely narcissistic, but that can't fit his desire to prevent larger scope suffering. And it can't explain why he was able to kill Gamora for the stone.
    It fits both. He believes he is the only one who can fix everything - narcisissm. He believes further anything is worth the sacrifice to do so, even something he (in his twisted way) holds dear.

    Quote Originally Posted by -D- View Post
    Sure, but the thing is Soul stone (and writers ) said - yep, that is love. Is Soul Stone (and are writers) secretly an *******?

    In essence Thanos is this:
    what the stone really said was "this hurt you sufficiently." It doesn't have to be something that would hurt us the same way, it's pretty personal.

    Can't see your GIF atm, it's blocked here.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr.Samurai View Post
    It would make *much more* sense if Thanos worshiped a cosmic entity of death and, to gain her favor, resolved to annihilate half the universe's population in one massive instantaneous macabre demonstration of his love/obsession with her. I'm not saying that would make a better movie, but it would at least be internally consistent.
    It would be garbage in every way. First you'd have to set up cosmic entities to begin with, and do so in such a way that you don't immediately kill all the tension in the MCU from any other big threats going forward. Then you'd have to explain what the rest of them are up to while Thanos is rubbing his hands all over their family jewels. Then you'd have to explain how she's different from Ego. Then you'd have to explain how she's different from Hela. Then you'd have to explain her goals and why. Then you'd have to explain how she and Thanos met. Then you'd have to explain how Thanos fell in love and made it his life's mission to carry out hers. Then you'd have to explain why she didn't just get the gems herself. Then you'd have to explain why Thanos went on her errand instead of some other schlub. Then you'd have to explain what she'll do if he fails (Find someone else? Take up crochet? Buelller?) And after determining all that, you then have to pick a character familiar with her to be the exposition dump without monologuing. And only after delivering all that boring-ass backstory can you get on with the actual plot of the movie that everyone paid to see. Never mind all the IRL issues Marvel would get into from not only making Death be female (twice!) but of making this incarnation of her be the passive woman who waits at home for her man to bring her nice jewellery on his way home from work - because she can't be active, she's literally Death! It'd be nothing but a giant steaming clusterfudge of failure.

    Schlocky 80s/90s comic books can get away with that crap because (a) they can cram a ton of exposition into a few pages or across multiple volumes and (b) they're comic books from decades ago rather than 9-figure movie tentpoles, so they can be as cheesy as they want. Thankfully, Marvel and Disney are better at this than that.
    Last edited by Psyren; 2018-05-03 at 03:02 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Giant View Post
    But really, the important lesson here is this: Rather than making assumptions that don't fit with the text and then complaining about the text being wrong, why not just choose different assumptions that DO fit with the text?
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