
Feeling the connection made once again with his old pal Nelrin, Asiresh could do nothing other than snicker to himself.

"You and I both know that I didn't have the power to stand up to Valpurga that night. He cut us down while I held the books and the Renor. Nobody gave me a handbook on what they were. Nobody told me they would send everything in the universe into a spiral. What the hell were they even doing just laying about in that dusty old cupboard anyway if they were so damn powerful?! But the books are 'safe' in Cathedral Ruin and the Renor actually made it into the hands of Tanselri, after our untimely downfall however. Either way Talri is still set on destroying us and I have no idea how or why I am on this world again. That also leads me or why are you back and how did you find me? Either way we must get out of here. I'll start tending my wounds. While you were little old P'yii did you happen to notice how many enemies are out there? We need to know what we are up against if we are alone in here."

During the internal conversation Asiresh attempts to cure some of his wounds in order to not cause more damage to himself. While doing so he makes a short prayer to Ketephys and the gods of the hunt, Sif and Ser. He does so clutching his hands together to embrace his holy symbol.

Spoiler: Actions
Casting CLW on self

And a heal check to attempt to set the broken bone during the healing