Quote Originally Posted by Forum Explorer View Post
Spoiler: Pitch 6.8
I think what threw off Tattletale's calculations is Snag dying. She didn't know they'd get a vision at that time, and I think that's what pushed Cradle to reject Tattletale's offer.
Sounds plausible, considering how her power works.

Spoiler: Pitch 6.9
Okay, those Boston capes really made me want to hit kill them.
Alone the names*. And the costumes.
Seriously, the description was enough to make me go ".... this. I'm going villain."

And the Fallen blew up the portals. That's... most likely not good.
Makes it easier for enemies to get through.
Also, people might've been hurt. Important people. Like Yamada. Or some capes. Or- possibly worst of all citizens of other Earths.
I mean, we already had those theocracy guys threaten war should one of their touriss stub their toe while visiting the City.

So yeah, in classic Worm style things are about to hit rock bottom just for some clowns to engage the drill.

*Sure, as we learned in Worm most of the good ones are taken, but that's no excuse for those abominations.