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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Default Re: A Test of your Prowers, The Endless Guantlet

    oh..you laughed at that.guess it eas good Orth follows along fairly content with letting Frederic lead for the moment but keeping his hand near his weapon just in case
    Spoiler: rolling!

    (1d20+5)[14] listen
    (1d20+1)[11] spot

    Actually i did hear it..and it sounds like its coming from AWAY from the village Orth pulls his greatsword from his back and a whistle from his pouch placing it between his lips with a readied action!!
    Spoiler: readied whistle!!
    if Orth decides this is to dangerous for the mighty dou he will blow the whistle !!
    Last edited by finaldooms; 2018-05-16 at 10:48 AM.