Almost simultaneously, Anai and Boru knock the heads off the two dolls as Victoria and Ilepy hold them still. Instantly the bodies go limp, and while they're a little hesitant to let the go after going through so much trouble to get them, when they open their hands they drop limply to the floor.

EVERYONE lets out a huge sigh of relief as tensed muscles relax and bruises start to throb. By the flickering torchlight you can see the rewards of your efforts: Ilepy gently lifts a khopesh from the wall and finds it to be perfectly balanced, obviously of masterwork quality. As the others look around the walls, Boru notes that the spear also appears to be very well made, it's wooden handle having stood the test of time (also masterwork). The last weapon on the wall looks like a weirdly crooked piece of wood, but after looking at it for a minute and noticing some notches in the top and bottom you realize that it's a composite short bow (+1 Str) who's string has disintegrated over the eons. It looks like it'll still work if restrung.

The back wall holds 3 shields: The rightmost shield appears to be an unremarkable light wooden shield identical to the one carried by the soldiers in the diorama, only it is emblazoned with ancient Osirian Hieroglyphs spelling out "Akhentepi", denoting a soldier under Akhentepi's command. The leftmost shield is also a light wooden shield but has a completely different design (DC 12 K. Geography to identify where it's from). The center shield is a light steel shield in the design of a scarab. It's identical to the one carried by Akhentepi in the various depictions you've seen of him in his tomb.

5 boxes sealed with wax lie around the room, no other locking mechanism for them is apparent. A thin blade should be sufficient to open them. Finally, an urn on the table is also sealed with wax.

Combat is over, 300 XP gained, and TREASURE!