”I do not blame Capitano Sforza for wanting to be rid of such an evil thing.” Astoria shakes her head resolutely. If this book is truly a relic of such ancient evil as Lady Hildebrand believes, then a tumultuous realm such as the Broken Reaches is indeed not safe. Moreso if it is tied to this Nahorek creature.

”I know of no chapters of the Order South of Black Fire Pass, Daniele. I will send a missive to the Temple in Magritta as to the events that play out around you, but I caution you to be too optimistic. I dare not presume to think that the Order of the Blazing Sun will vocally align themselves with a local warlord – regardless of how Godly he may be. Not without a greater understanding of the situation. While I may be able to offer them a recommendation, it will ultimately be the Grandmasters who decide if direct action is required.”

Astoria finishes the coffee with a hand – trembling lightly from the energy that the beverage has provided – and sets the silver cup aside. She cards her fingers throught he drying mane of hair – tangled and disheveled though it may be, before glancing to Beatrix* with a sudden, inspired grin.

”Of course!” She exclaims, clapping her hands together for emphasis. ”I will travel with Sforza’s company….the ones who saved me from the Duke’s men….acting as an envoy from the Order so I can see with my own eyes the situation here in the Broken Reaches. I can provide the blessings of Myrmidia to the warriors and assist with morale, of course, but this will serve a dual purpose. In truth, I do owe Sir Sieghard a debt of honour for pulling me from the fire.”

The happy smile widens, becoming perhaps a bit more sly, as if Astoria seemed particularily pleased with her line of reasoning.

”The other purpose is to ensure the safety of the Lady Hildebrand here! Of her own admission to Capitano Sforza, she has been targeted much of late. I will act as her shield during the travels, for in truth? There is none more qualified to judge upon the dark magics that seem to be growing in the region and I will need more information that we have if I am to provide proper information to the Temple.”

Astoria turns fully to Beatrix*, and draws her blade. The young knight drops to her knee before the Bright Wizard, and bows her head – blade offered up to her in a symbolic gesture.

”Lady Hildebrand, if you would allow it, I would pledge my sword and shield to your safety. While I live and breathe, I will not allow the enemy to hinder you. I swear it!”