Quote Originally Posted by Grey_Wolf_c View Post
But it's hardly the only example on my end. You have nothing other than maybe a minority of the gods sorta kinda maybe caring during the vote, with the vast majority of the other gods clearly caring not one bit. And given that Thor displays no other affection, even if you brush aside individual examples, the aggregate is clear.
And your examples are... where?

Because that way, when the new planet is created, they can be taken back there. That is not an option for dead people.
I find it surprising that making a whole new planet is on the table, but repopulating that planet with existing souls (instead of fabricating new ones) somehow isn't.

Most gods' reasons to preserve or destroy the world have nothing to do with the mortals. A few might care, but they are a minority, and of those, it takes a lot of pre-disposition to think they care to read such care in their arguments. Especially Skadi - I don't see any sign she gives a damn about mortals, only about having prey to hunt.
"A few care" is all that's really needed to refute "none of them care".

Also, I see no reason to assume that the gods who take up Good positions aren't Good enough to give a damn about their followers... even if the sheer scope of what they do makes it difficult to see.

Not in the absence of other evidence. All I see is a god seeing their future earnings vanish, and wanting to save as much of the moolah as they can before it gets swept away.
And not people getting killed in ways that can't be reversed, and deprived of any afterlife? Who is it that's not caring about the mortals now?

Which is why, if they cared, they would have started evacuating the planet the moment they became aware of the tears, instead of waiting until it was too late to attempt.
What do you think Heimdall's proposing now?