Spirit waves rock the boat spirit on its moors, creating echoing groans through the building.

To Kara, the sigil appears to be an Uratha symbol of warding. Both Juno and Iago recognize the use of cedar wood in the construction of the sigils, and that the symbols are unique to the Bone Shadow tribe. But Blaze is able to recognize that these are symbols of territorial warding, and pick up on the urine used to bind these sigils of warding. The Uratha who made these was a very skilled Ithauer.

Pequod responds to Kara’s question, “I am sorry, but I am only aware of what occurs within the confines of this building. The wards that protect this place keep me trapped within this space. They were very focused on the Beshilu before they never returned.

To Juno’s second question (OOC: I believe the above answer hits Juno’s first question), “Their base was tunneled under, and collapsed into the ground. They were swallowed up by the rotted earth and the abominations that dwelled below.