Nodoa realizes that there is a reason why she can't reconstruct the mystery fighter: the design was still in the drafting stage. It looks like it was meant to have a turret, but it's clear that the turret wouldn't work with the heavy turbolasers; some kind of fixed-fuselage vessel would work better. These facts were actually noted on the file, but the designers of the craft never got to the point of designing a remotely functional ship. While Nodoa can reconstruct what they had in mind at the time, it wouldn't be very useful.

As Nodoa considers the designs, Tenga answers. "I'm pretty sure nobody on this planet is going to be making any kind of space fighter. My guess is that this design was smuggled here, but was meant to be taken to someone else, off-world."

"That makes a lot of sense," Carcon adds. "I've smuggled weapon designs before. Just small arms, though, nothing like this..." he says. "Maybe whoever was here left but didn't clean up after themselves?"