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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    d20 Re: A Test of your Prowers, The Endless Guantlet

    Oorrr-itthhh...(heavy pant to let out a bellow)...Freee-dd-rrickk?
    Spot check for more monsters (1d20+2)[5]
    Spot check to see if our whistling caused enough clamor get more guards coming to us (1d20+2)[17]
    Spot check to see the direction the band of slain monsters came from (1d20+2)[15]
    OOC: each roll only needed if you the DM deem needed
    Did...Any...See...Where...Came...From This long lapse of Discipline on Jon part, is very disconcerting, but is easily read as a smiling relief to see his fellows well and a need for breath.
    Taking a moment longer to breathe, horizon scan, and compose, Jon seems to get back to the norm of his behavior. Waiting for all to talk until he sees a chance to launch into a small speech.

    You both did amazingly well, but when you find one band of monsters, there are more. This war may have displaced a nest...We should either send a runner to the militia base and look for the new nest, or all go back and see if we can get some back up. Plus we didn't get too much useful information at the school. Still I'm glad... Another smile flashes across Jon's face, before it looks back at the base.
    Last edited by JonMarker2; 2018-05-20 at 05:50 PM. Reason: you don't say pant