Hm. I would have thought Belkar's protection from evil thing would have protected him from the mind-whammy. But I guess he wasn't glowing yellow and experienceing pain the whole time. Maybe I missed before where he decided not to activate that in favor of a casted buff.

  • I'm glad V is still in control of V.
  • Elan Mind Controlled.... yea, I'm not all that worried (Sorry, Elan). He might well Mass Cure Light Wounds his party since that was his attack spell for the Vamps. As a certain cartoon rooster was want to say, "That boy's about as sharp as a bowlin' ball."
  • Haley Mind Controlled is not good. But I don't know what the limits are of what they can compel her to do. A charm wouldn't let her attack Roy or V, I don't think. CERTAINLY not Kudzu or Elan. But Hilgya or Belkar.... maybe. But I don't know if the limits on Vampire control exceed those of a Charm.
  • Belkar Mind Controlled is Very Ungood. Esp if they just want him to stab people. I suppose it's possible this is where he might die.
  • Hilgya Mind Controlled is, Double Plus Ungood. OTOH, she might get triple bonus saves at resisting any commands from what she believes is DURKON.
  • Minrah is stilll in control of herself, but I doubt she has tooo many good spell slots in reserve. I hope so, though.