Brother Nuric frowned at the mention of the Xenobiologist, nearing a scowl by the end of her description; the Ministorum and Mechanicus had a history of not seeing eye to eye, and the blatant disregard for checks and balances raised his suspicions even further. He mentally reigned himself in before he reached a premature verdict. This was an important investigation, as all were with the Inquisition, and Carrocin's actions did not condemn her outright; they merely put her on trial.

He looked across the table at Qualia as she spoke - he tried to skirt the room and sit opposite her whenever possible, giving her space - and nodded at her question regarding the impact that events could have on Aporia's agricultural status. It was a thought he'd shared as well, as it had been a subject for concern and debate on his own homeworld in recent years. Instability in the ecosystem on any agriworld in the Imperium was a danger not just to the world itself, but the sub-sector it provided for.

Nuric gave a slight smile as Alaric spoke up; well thought out and well articulated. It would seem as though the monk wasn't the only one maturing of late. The smile shrank as Qualia questioned their departure; the woman had spent most of her life in the void, and was clearly eager to return to it. Brother Nuric had spent the majority of his life in contact with Hraline's soil, and tended to spend more time than usual cloistered in prayer when shipborne, especially when traversing the Warp.

"Surely the writ from Mars cannot leave room for the Magos to avoid monitoring. When was the last contact and envoy to the Mechanicus station?"