
There's crazy stuff happening behind her, but Ithuriel's focus is entirely on Ellrin at this point. She couldn't be thinking about pink elephants even if she wanted to. She trusts Michalson to hand it. He'll get Needs under control.

Ellrin is likely going to have a rather hard time levelling his blade at Needs since there's an angel in the way, deliberately keeping herself between the two of them, so unless it can target people through other people, it seems likely it'd end up trying to steal her shadow...except her visible angelic aura of golden light means she's not really casting a shadow at the moment. There's probably some sort of faint wisp of shadow the sword could take, if that does anything.

Speaking of acting as a barrier, since Ellrin is going to persist in ignoring the instructions of an Intersection officer, Ithuriel is going to have to take things a little further. His claims of being better-equipped to deal with this are ignored, just as he's ignored her. She rushes at him, keeping her body between him and Needs, aiming to grab his wrist and twist. Painfully. She wants that sword out of his hand. She's got formidable strength - it's entirely possible, if successful, that she might go a little too far and snap his wrist in the process. Successful or not, she shouts at him as she approaches, her voice echoing with divinity. "NO! You listen to me! I've given you enough warnings. So now, you're going to drop your weapons and surrender yourself. This is Intersection business and I WILL NOT tolerate this behaviour."


[Abandoned Tech Store]

"An electricity lich? Not such an unreasonable interpretation, I suppose. Though the ritual used to become a lich is meant to preserve one's true self, isn't it? I suppose it'd be hard to know one way or the other. If anything is left behind, it's gone for good. Perhaps all liches are fakes like me?" An amusing notion. The Professor chuckles at the thought. Something to research at a later date, perhaps.

"You sound a little disappointed that I'm a copy. Not impressive enough for you? If that's the case, maybe you should go say hi to the real me. If you got enough creations to gather in one place, perhaps that'd restore some sense of self and cause him to manifest? Haha! An amusing thought, no? Perhaps the true Professor is something that can only exist through ritualistic methods?"

As if in some demonstration of Edict's words, Affidavit floats through several objects as he circles back down to his makeshift pedastal. Rather ghostly behaviour, really. Not the sort of thing that someone you could accuse of being alive would engage in. Unless they were a wizard, maybe, but he's definitely not that. "I have no connection to the creations any more. I imagine they're still all linked together. I can't see why they'd ever give that up. Is it important? Do you have plans? It has been far too long since I engaged in any particularly noteworthy activites."