Kushiro Inn

"Hoo-poo." Not a very helpful answer, but it sounds... Somehow reassuring. Like whatever it wants, it doesn't want to hurt either of them. Even though there's no more comprehensive information transferred by the bird.


Before he can do anything to resist, the half-orc dealer's mind is assailed by fear and terror. The alleyway fills with the scent of ammonia, and he blurts out "Dark Nghiru, the Necromancer of Idlewood! Oh, he said he'll eat my soul if I told anyone..." The terrified drug-dealer starts to sob.
"Right, Hawker, you go tell the boss. Wings, you and Fuzzy grab the skuzz bucket and take him to Intersection. Garlic, Hobnail and Spider, grab the bags and take 'em to the park. They deserve better, but it's the best we can do." One of the sprites zips straight up, travelling very fast indeed. Two more circle around the half-orc, green magic glowing from their fingers as they force a ring of mushrooms to sprout in the alleyway, the half-orc in the centre. The mushrooms are fly amanita, red-capped with white spots.

"As for you, mister human, you've been a help. Take this. A bit of faerie luck. It's not much, but it might help." The faerie luck takes the shape of a tiny glowing crystal, growing from the tutu-clad gangster's hand. It'll soak into the explorer's skin if touched, and boost his luck ever so slightly. If he bought a lottery ticket, it's enough luck he'd win a bit of money. Not a lot, certainly not enough to change a life (unless other luck- natural or otherwise- plays a part). "When the shrooms have finished growing, I recommend looking away for a minute or two. It's not dangerous, you can watch if you want, but it's a little embarrassing."