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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Default Re: Relationship Woes and Advice XXVIII: Happy and Perfect!

    On the Glass Mouse vs Form debate about being explicit that you are asking for a date, and being more coy, I think that a lot of the disconnect may come down to different cultures.

    Different cultures have very different perspectives about how much should be said and how much should remain unsaid. This is particularly true in a dating context where there are a lot of social norms about how things are done. Both Glass Mouse and Form (or anyone else) can only be coming from the perspective of their own preferences/understanding of the norms that apply to the way their own corner of society works (which may be smaller or larger depending on how diverse their experience is).

    I am sure that there are some contexts/cultures/social groups, where ambiguity is preferred and being too direct might cause a person who would otherwise have been keen to be put off, and others where explicitness is preferred. Likewise, there are cultures where touching is expected, and the failure to touch (even with passing acquaintances in non-social situations) is considered cold or unfriendly, and other cultures where touching (outside maybe a handshake) does not happen at all unless people are close.

    Unfortunately that is not very helpful to people seeking advice on how to interpret something in their life. I suggest that the advice on here can still be helpful, but read comments from people with different perspectives, and be aware that the advice given by some, while completely accurate in their own circumstances, may not apply to your ciorcmstances.
    Last edited by Liquor Box; 2018-05-30 at 04:37 PM.