Quote Originally Posted by Anonymouswizard View Post
On 'guys are expected to blah blah blah': in my honest opinion somebody who isn't up for you being honest and saying you want to go on a date or 'insert tab a into slot b' (that's how sex works right? Don't know personally) isn't worth spending the time on.
Unfortunately advice seems to come in two flavors. Based on how people would react if they acted like they want to believe they do, and based on how they act in the real world. You can chose which set you want to listen to.

Quote Originally Posted by FinnLassie View Post
Any tips on getting rid of the "hopeless romantic" trait?

Cause I'm just so done with my crap.
Some of the best people I've known made it work for them. They got good at putting the magic into scenarios/moments on their own, so they didn't need to be absolutely twitterpated with someone else just to get their fix. It's more work on their end, but knowing how the sausage gets made - and how to make their own damn sausage - gave them a lot more control than just following whatever gave them a happy.

That or debug mode. But I can't seem to figure out how to open a command console on the real life engine.