Quote Originally Posted by FinnLassie View Post
Any tips on getting rid of the "hopeless romantic" trait?

Cause I'm just so done with my crap.
Honestly It is kinda like breaking up with someone. Just that someone is a set of ideas on romance, your self definition, etc instead of a another person, defining yourself as part of a couple unit, etc.

Part one is getting out and socializing w/o it. Getting busy with hobbies, etc. In a lot of ways this will have a lot of overlap with the "are you using romance to fill holes/ cover other problems?" field. And even if it

Part two is growing a replacement relationship with the idea of relationships. Figuring out what you want from a relationship, or what is that you need that you look for in romance that leads you to problematic situation (maybe you just need a feeling of security and cuddles-and a troupe of close friends/pets could well be better for that), And basically practice whatever you come up with... This is in part a fake-it-till-you-make-it situation. Asking now also gives frame to compare to when the rose tinted shades hit.