The soul blade screams a wordless scream as it is being wrapped up and jammed away into Mamellek's backpack. The couple covers their ears, though that does nothing to help – the scream is internal, in your head, and it would shatter glass if it were genuine sound. But wrapping it forces it to fall silent.

The couple continues to push the jewelry, only stopping when all three members of the party decline their offer. They sing another chorus of praise for the party's heroism and generosity. As the party loots Lucan and heads up to the captain, the woman softly and wordlessly pulls her dead child up for a final embrace. Fresh tears fill the couple's eyes. In the privacy of their cabin, they grieve.

The uppermost floor of the cabin is packed and noisy. Save for the couple and their child, all the passengers from the bottommost floor are gathered there, as are the passengers from the floor between the first and last. All the cabin doors are thrown open. The conversation is fearful and thick. Amongst the crowd are Panitari and Parmelk, who notice Don and the party first. They see your weapons drawn and the sweat of battle clinging to your skin, and they smell the decay and burnt flesh wafting from you.

"Brother!" Parmelk speaks to Don. "We heard that the three of you ran down to slay the vampire. We trust that you were successful."

"There may still be danger yet," says Panitari, who speaks to the entire party, "some final act of heroism needed before the night is over."

"The other passengers say that an airship is trailing us, and that some sailors have boarded and are conversing with the captain."

"They say that the conversations neither bode well for the captain, nor for us."

Should the party head up to investigate, you find that the captain, the first mate, and all the rest of the airship crew standing side by side in the forecastle, forming a barrier with their bodies. On the other side of the barrier stands a man and six of his inferiors. From where you stand, you can make out some of their features, although the crew obscures most of them. You see that the man has vibrant green eyes and golden hair. He wears armour, as do his inferiors. They are helmeted, though he is not. You can also see an insignia on the left front of his armour – a viridescent cross between the fingers of a fire and a spread hand. It's on the armour of his inferiors, too.

"We're doing you a kindness, you know." The man speaks softly, almost hypnotically. "The boss told us to board and slaughter you all, but we'd prefer to save us all the bloodshed."

Captain Morgis crosses his arms. "Get off my ship."

"The vampire," the man says, "has something that belongs to us. That should belong to us. Show us to him. We'll deal with him and get out of your way."

"This is my ship," says the captain. "And what I say goes. I know your kind." He stares straight through the man and his insignia, almost as if he could will them to leave.

The man smiles and raises an eyebrow. "My kind?"

"Get off my ship." This time, his voice is harder, firmer, stone turned to iron, steel, unbreakable adamantine. "I will not entertain requests from the Emerald Claw."

"That's too bad," says the man. He smiles sweetly and holds two finger up. Immediately, simultaneously, his soldiers draw their weapons and point them at the sailors. The captain and his first mate are unmoved. The rest of the crew is shaken. "You got six seconds to point us to the vampire, captain, before we're forced to do this the hard way. What will it be?"

What do you do?