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    Titan in the Playground
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    Apr 2012

    Default Re: [D&D 3.5e / IC] Lightning Rails and Whispers of the Vampire's Blade

    "Ah, brave passengers. You must be mercenaries or adventurers." The man's smile expands. "The boss won't be too happy about this development, but I suppose we'll have to live with it." His hand transforms into a casual and dismissive wave. "Asta, go back and tell the boss the news. Have the ship go down to find Lucan."

    The woman to his right salutes him and takes her leave.

    "Captain, this airship is now under the command of the Emerald Claw. Once our airship descends to find Lucan, you are to follow."

    The dragonmark on Captain Morgis arm lights up. The captain livid, draws his shortsword. "I'd rather die than give up my ship!" The soldiers of the Order of the Emerald Claw start twirling their flails in response.

    "And as for you, adventurer" - here he addresses Quire - "why don't you come up here and say that to my face?" Maintaining that same creepy smile, the man draws his own flail – his larger and heavier than those of his inferiors. Holding it with both hands, he takes a few sample swings. The spiked iron ball on the end cuts through the air with an unexpected celerity. "I will give you and your friends the kindness of first blow, to ease the sting of inevitable regret. The captain will be slaughtered, his first mate will be slaughtered, and his crew will be slaughtered. You and your friends will be slaughtered, as will all the passengers on this ship.

    "You have forced my hand. No one defies the Emerald Claw. My name is Evetius. You will remember it before the morning sun rises."

    Spoiler: Mechanics
    I currently lack access to the captain's Initiative modifier, or the Emerald Claw's. So Initiative will be (1) party first, followed by (2) the Emerald Claw and (3) the captain and his crew.
    Last edited by TaiLiu; 2018-06-12 at 03:52 AM.