The conflict comes to an end. C'taapath has dropped the unconscious Onyx and discarded her. Averack keeps Morder paralyzed with his disgusting tongue as Mylura bargains for the lives of her comrades. Two for two. She offers to revive the two minions of Averack in return for the lives of two of her comrades. In addition to that, you are to negotiate transferal of territory for you with someone that can actually make that offer.

Upon some study, you determine that Morder uses his gauntlet as a spellcasting focus and remove it, intending to send it away with Mylura. She in turn mentions that the revivals are tied to Morder's life force until the formerly dead recover their own. She also answers the questions that Dominus asks about Avalon, not evading but also not offering anything further. After you are done for the moment, she gathers up the still unconscious Onyx and makes to leave.

As she leaves, two things strike you as odd. Firstly, there was a woman with the group that took no part in battle. Second, until this night, the group was accompanied by a halfling that Dominus had pegged as a sneaky type in his growing file of notes on people he might exploit. (which I assume he has).