Alex, the Bull
Conditions: Guilty
Potential: 1/5

Alex felt the cold, metallic hand on her shoulder and despite the strange sensation, she felt better knowing Sam was there giving her some support. She was just about to say something to Sarah, when the girl seemed to have already made up her mind forgiving Alex and hugging her. Being so close to Sarah again and without both of them covered in Lison, she noticed how good smelled. No not just good, just like Lisa, the foster sister she had a thing with. It was a bittersweet memory, her first love, but it had also cost her and her sister that actually not bad foster home. For a moment she was 14 again kissing a girl for the first time, then Sarah pulled out of the hug and the spell ended and she saw her smile at her. Alex was still a bit flustered from her quick trip down memory lane, but then she found her voice again.

"You're not a burden Duck", Alex said grinning back at her, "you're resourceful and smart, you would've found a way even without being stupidly reckless...and deal on not jumping down those heights again...oh and it was totally a record for highest tandem base jump without a parachute by the by."

She grinned and then went over to the desk leaning against it, not to hog Sarah all day, Sam apparently had something to say as well.