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    Titan in the Playground
    TaiLiu's Avatar

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    Apr 2012

    Default Re: [D&D 3.5e / IC] Lightning Rails and Whispers of the Vampire's Blade

    With a blend of incredible finesse and might, Mamellek brings her spiked chain crashing down like a potent landslide. The Emerald Claw soldier just barely jumps out of the way, and the chain splinters and damages the section of wooden floor it landed on. "Have it your way," Evetius says, smiling again. "I will not hesitate to do the same to you."

    From Don's fingertips, a ray of ectoplasm emerges and attempts to smear the handle of Evetius' heavy flail, but Evetius pulls away, and the psychic attack just bearly touches his weapon. It's not enough, unfortunately, to reproduce the technique that ultimately disarmed Lucan of his tainted weapon. "Your aim is off," the soldier jeers, "as is the aim of your companion. Hunting the vampire must have tired you out."

    Meanwhile, Quire has more luck with attacking Evetius' inferiors. Quire's downward stroke skillfully cuts through a soldier's shield, armour, and skin with ease, almost like the cut of an old butcher familiar with the joints of animals. Blood freely flows from her, in a quantity unfamiliar to her. She bites her lower lip, holds up her shield, and readies her flail, aware that getting closer might very well mean death.

    Evetius is familiar with the chaos of combat, and calming shouts out commands to his inferiors. The bloodied soldier is told to hold her ground. Two are ordered to kill the captain and the rest of his crew, one is ordered to attack Don, and the last is ordered to go down and slaughter the passengers. They scurry off and attempt to do their duty. "Let them face the might of the Emerald Claw!" Evetius shouts. "Karrnath shall rise again!"

    He then swings his flail at Mamellek once, twice, aiming again and again for her head. He swings with an incredible force, almost as if possessed by a supernatural power. The bloodied soldier charges and attempts to crack Quire's skull with her flail. The rest of the soldiers charge the captain and the airship crew, trying to break the barrier.

    "Don't give in!" the captain shouts. "They will kill us whether we submit or not!" He thrusts his shortsword at an attacking soldier. His first mate draws her dagger and attempts to skewer another one. The crew, too, tries to fight back, but they are not trained for combat. In the chaos of battle, you can see the stalker airship going down - one successful victory for the night, if nothing else.

    Spoiler: HP and Positions
    Emerald Claw

    Evetius - 50/50 HP; fighting Mamellek
    Soldier 1 - 4/14 HP; fighting Quire
    Soldier 2 - 10/14 HP; fighting Captain Morgis
    Soldier 3 - 14/14 HP; fighting Captain Morgis + attacked by Ieleen
    Soldier 4 - 14/14 HP; fighting Sailor 1 to attack Don
    Soldier 5 - 14/14 HP; fighting Sailor 2 to kill passengers

    Airship Crew

    Captain Morgis - 20/20; fighting Soldier 2
    First Mate Ieleen - 14/14; fighting Soldier 3
    Sailor 1 - 5/5; fighting Soldier 4
    Sailor 2 - 3/5; fighting Soldier 5
    Sailor 3 - 5/5
    Sailor 4 - 5/5
    Sailor 5 - 5/5
    Sailor 6 - 5/5
    Sailor 7 - 5/5
    Sailor 8 - 5/5
    Sailor 9 - 5/5
    Sailor 10 - 5/5

    Spoiler: Other Mechanics

    Mamellek misses.

    Evetius makes his reflex save for Don's grease power. Because Evetius made the initial reflex save, he doesn't have to make any additional saves.

    Quire hits.

    Emerald Claw

    Evetius enters Rage (Variant: Whirling Frenzy), and will continue to be enraged for five rounds. He gains +4 to Strength, and +2 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. He also gains the option to make an additional attack per round, although all attacks during that round will take a -2 to attack.

    Evetius attacks twice: (1d20+10)[11] and (1d20+10)[25]. If any hit, they deal (1d10+6)[8] and (1d10+6)[11].

    Soldier 1 takes a five foot step and makes an attack against Quire: (1d20+3)[5]. If it hits, Quire takes (1d8+1)[7] damage.

    Soldier 2 makes an attack against Captain Morgis: (1d20+3)[10]. If it hits, the captain takes (1d8+1)[4] damage.

    Soldier 3 makes an attack against Captain Morgis: (1d20+3)[8]. If it hits, the captain takes (1d8+1)[4] damage.

    Soldiers 4 and 5 attack Sailors 1 and 2: (1d20+3)[4] and (1d20+3)[19]. If either hits, they do (1d8+1)[8] and (1d8+1)[2] damage.

    Airship Crew

    Captain Morgis makes an attack against Soldier 2: (1d20+5)[15]. If it hits, the soldier will take (1d6+3)[4] damage.

    Ieleen makes an attack against Soldier 3: (1d20+5)[7]. If it hits, the soldier will take (1d4+3)[6] damage.

    Mechanically, the rest of the crew does not make attack or damage rolls.
    Last edited by TaiLiu; 2018-06-17 at 02:53 AM.