The core appeal for me was the fast-paced, tightly choreographed fight scenes, which stayed fun through the end of S3. I always thought the lore and overarching plot was the weakest part of the show, so when the action took a backseat to loredumps and angsting, and when the quality of the fights themselves dramatically dropped, it couldn't keep my interest.

Actually, the Yellow Trailer was my favorite RWBY video, more than any of the actual episodes. When I first saw it, knowing nothing about the show, I was thrilled. I'd never seen anything like it, and it fired my imagination. I thought we were getting a Matrix / John Woo / Cyberpunk martial arts extravaganza, all motorbikes and night clubs, flashy fisticuffs and cold city streets. When the first episodes aired and I realized it was a cliche magical high school plot, I was disappointed, but I stuck with it. And it was still a fun ride, until Monty passed and nobody could choreograph a fight worth a darn.

I still adore Yang.