Alex, the Bull
Conditions: Guilty
Potential: 2/5
Holding Hive: 2

Alex was eager to hear Sam's response when they were interrupted as a large figure entered the room and made them stand...or at least Alex. She tried to fight it, but there was simply nothing she could do but be forced into an upright position. She glared at the tall figure, convinced that they must be the source. And then the Cleric appeared from behind their back and to her own surprise Alex recognizes her. Kaylee Harper, she's seen her before, at school, at the foster care center and some charity run event, if she remembers correctly.

"I like having Hive around though and whatever you're gonna tell me, I'm gonna tell what do you want Kaylee Harper?"

Spoiler: OOC

I didn't really mention this before, but Alex is still going to school. She's 16 bordering 17 and her fosters don't want her slacking off.